Category Archives: Israeli Blogs

Video Blog from Israeli Foreign Ministry

The Israeli government launched a video blog called Israel Videoblog. Any Israeli can submit video to it. As Allison writes (thanks for the tip), it is “designed to show the world the sides of the country that you don’t see on CNN.
It’s open to everyone — any Israeli can send in their video and if it makes the grade, it will be put on the site. It’s being put together by the consulate in New York, and its target audience is internet-savvy international youth aged 16-30.”

Check it out, submit video and let’s do our part to raise Israel’s image in the world.

Another Link Addition

Allison (mazal tov on your new neice) introduced me to Giving Up Sundays, an Israeli blog.

The title itself brought back memories of living in Israel. One of the elements of minor culture-shock when I first arrived was the idea that the weekend was Shabbat only – Friday mid-day through Saturday. Sunday was a regular day. Wow – living the Jewish calendar each week and holidays. Fun – most of the time.

Many who work in the rabbinate are long used to giving up our Sundays for Religious School, teaching, tutoring, programs and events. Maybe instead of grumbling about it, I can think of it as one way to live my life closer to how it is lived in Israel!

Typing farewell to use my time well now and every day.

Additions to the Link Blog

It’s almost 1 am and I am wide awake, so as I watch the Olympics (and fast forward through quite a bit – hooray for Tivo) I’m blog surfing, finding many new interesting blogs. Here are some I’m adding into my links:

Israeli Blogs:
Adventures in Nikkiland
Am Echad
Homey in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Homeland
My Home in Israel
Raanana Ramblings
The Dry Bones Blog
Tour Guide Tales

Jewish Blogs:
The Hazzn’s Tish
Rachel’s Adventures

Enjoy and feel free to suggest more!

Some Additions to the Links

I’m adding to my blogroll.

Some additions to the Israel blogroll
At Level Ground
Blogus Erratus
Cousin Lucy’s Spoon
Like I’ve Got Time for Blogspot
Living in Interesting Times
Menachem in Israel
Michelle’s Aliyah Blog
On the Contrary
One Jerusalem
Penguin-Loving Trollmama
Rishon Rishon
Shalom Israel
Shiloh Mussings
Shirat Hasirena
Slightly Mad
Something Something
Square Peg View
The Muqata
Willow Tree

Some additions to the Muslim blogroll
Iraq the Model

Some additions to the Jewish blogroll
Unorthodox Paradox

Happy Hanukkah!

Israel is helping the world breathe easier

A great deal of technology has and is being invented in Israel (think fast chips, instant messaging, cellular phones….). Now scientist have invented a machine that allows them to help pulmonary patients breathe easier.

Nicky Blackburn at Israel 21c reports about the findings of Dr. Igal Kushnir, the founder and CEO of Deep Breeze Medical Diagnosis.

Blackburn quotes Kushnir as saying,
…”We have a completely novel technology with enormous potential, not just for the pulmonology market but also for cardiology. This is exciting and new. There has been nothing this big since ultrasound.”

Read all about it!