Category Archives: Jewish Texts – English

Weekly Torah Portion – Beshalach

This week is Shabbat Shirah, the sabbath during which we read/sing the Song at the Sea. The crossing of the Reed Sea (which some call the Red Sea or Yam Soof) is a climatic moment for our people and represents G-d’s care for the Jewish people. Yet, this climatic moment does not solve the Israelites problems. This is mearly the next stage in their journey.

Today, some 3400 years later, we too face obstilces and challenges in our lives. One place where some problems may be manifest is in our work life. This week’s Torah portion commentary looks at Judaism, ethics and work life. Ranon Cortell examines this balance in All Work and No Pray as published by Torah From Dixie.

As we enter our place of work, we must remember that, as part of our mission on this earth, we must bring holiness and the ways of Hashem to our most mundane and physical tasks.

This shabbat, as we sing the Song at the Sea, may we feel the joys of freedom and gain strength from our ancestor’s ability to purseveer in difficult times. Perhaps then we can find G-d’s Presence in all our activities.

Go and learn!

Torah Commentary for the Week – Vayigash

This week’s Torah portion continues the saga of Jacob. His sons, having learned the true identity of Phaoroh’s Vizier, their brother Joseph, prepare to return to Canaan to tell Jacob that his son is still alive.

This portion is filled with family dynamics, travels and the process of change. One of the change-agents in the text is a woman by the name of Serach bat Asher, a “female Elijah” of sorts who helps the brothers tell Jacob about Joseph and later helps the fleeing Israelites find Joseph’s bones.

Read Rabbi Sheridan’s drash at Learn Torah With….

Learn, study, live and enjoy the last day of Hanukkah!

Torah Commentary for the Week – Vayeshev

Torah commentary for the week is back. This week’s Torah portion is Vayeshev, beginning the saga of Joseph which will continue through the next 4 portions. Rabbi Sharon Mars of Univerity of North Carolina Hillel examines Joseph’s character, specifically is he righteous? Her drash is titled Joseph: Technicolor Tzadik? The complex character of Joseph raises questions about what it means to be righteous.

Go, learn and have a shabbat of peace and blessing.

Weekly Torah Commentary – Noah

It is hard to believe that we are already in the second week of our new Torah reading cycle. Noah contains the familiar story of Noah and the flood as well as the mult-lingual outcome of the story of the Tower of Babel.

There are a number of wonderful commentaries on this week’s portion:

Velveteen Rabbi has an engaging commentary on language.
David Nelson writes on Noah and violence.
Noah’s righteouness & affirmative action
The Tower of Babel and Common Language

Go and Learn!