By now you are likely aware of the present situation in Israel – (on June 25th) Hamas/Palestinian Authority Terrorists kidnapped an Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit and (on June 27th) a tennage settler named Eliyahu Asheri.
Here are pictures of them:
Gilad Shalit

Eliyahu Asheri

Gilad was taken after the PA soldiers dug a tunnel outside of the Gaza/Israel border, killed two Israeli soliders and took him prisoner. What a nightemere. The PA did respond to requests to release him with anything reasonable for Gilad. (They supposedly want all women and teens who are in prison because they are convicted of particpation in terrorist attacks to be freed.) The world isn’t doing much to help (nothing new there) and today Israel began taking limited action to get him back in an operation called “Summer Rain.” As reported in the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz, Israel is doing this only to get Gilad back (G-d willing alive and well) and not to retake Gaza. Infact, they are doing everything possible to severly limit civilian injuries or involvment. (Hamas makes this very difficult, for they are well known for putting their operations headquareters and offices within preschools, apartments and the like to try to prevent an attack on them. Hamas, in otherwords, uses their own children as human shields.)
Many bloggers are covering events as they unfold, including fequent updates by the (excellent) Israeli blogger Aussie Dave on his site IsraellyCool. Keep checking this post for updates. Here are links to Aussie Dave’s original posts on the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit and Eliyahu Asheri.
May Gilad and Eliyahu return safely and soon. Please keep them in your prayers.
UPDATE: There are reports of a THIRD kidnapping, this time of Noah Moskovitch! (Hat tip to Aussie Dave.) OY
UPDATE: More information on Noah Moskovitch courtesy Aussie Dave.
UPDATE: YNet has the text and video of a letter from Gilad Shalit’s parents, Noam and Aviva, to the kidnappers and Gilad. (Thanks to On the Face)