A sad day that could have been much worse

I woke up this morning to the news of the foiled terror plot in London. Frightening stuff that once again gives us the choice between letting terror and terrorists keep us from living our lives or choosing to add in additional security measures and keep going. I am glad that for the most part people chose the later.

For coverage of today’s arrests and the full story go to any or all of the following links: BBC, NYTimes (story), NYTimes (updated banned item list), Jerusalem Post and Al-Jezeera. I include Al-Jezeera because I think it is important to understand things from different perspectives.

One story today.

The other and deeper sadness is the continued violence and war in Northern Israel and Lebanon. It seems to me that this struggle with Hizbollah/Iran is just getting deeper. People suffer and die on both sides, life is completely disrupted, children are traumatized from witnessing the violence, spending all their time in shelters, worrying about playing outside and being close enough to a shelter and seeing and hearing their family members going off to war. I pray that a peaceful solution that is good for the people of Lebanon, recognizes Israel’s right to exist and puts Hizbollah in its place comes soon. Please G-d, please.

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New Links

With thanks to Le Lezard, I  have found more Lebanese blogs and linked them in a category “Lebanese Blogs”. In a comment to an earlier post, Le Lezard introduced the list by saying

there’s a wide diversity of bloggers opinions, some are a shame, some are great. 

Join me in reading and learning.

May the Holy One bring peace and safety to everyone soon.

New War Blog – Israel-Hezbollah Blog

David Lisboa has an interesting blog on the war – Israel-Hezbollah Blog, writing from Haifa. He posts include numbers of katushas fallen and deep, critical analysis of the situation, reality and getting out of this mess.

Yesterday, a post titled The Accidental War concluded with these words,

What is needed now is a way for both sides to climb down. Israel must get its soldiers back, Hizbullah’s departure from the border area and an undertaking that Hizbullah will not attack again. The Lebanese army or a neutral force should then man the border. Hizbullah needs to be given a way to consent to these changes without losing face. Squaring this will take time, ingenuity and the full engagement of the United States. It will not bring peace to the Middle East but it might silence a dangerous new front. America should start its work at once.

Read, comment and discuss.

May the Holy One bring all – Jew, Muslim, Christian, Druze – to peace and safety.
[Hat tip to Israelity.]

Free Care for Lebanese Wounded in the Current Crisis – in Israel

The Jerusalem Post writes that

Lebanese children and adults wounded in the Hizbullah-Israeli crossfire in Lebanon have been invited to receive free treatment at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. The cost will be paid by Jewish and non-Jewish donors in Israel and abroad, hospital director-general Prof. Zev Rothstein said on Sunday.

“We are not to blame for this war. We don’t ask who is to blame,” said Rothstein. “We have an open Jewish heart. Our aim is to save lives and reduce misery. We don’t hate like the terrorists,” he added.

Free medical care to those who need it, regardless of race, religion, nationality or ethnicity. This is a high expression of Jewish values.

Thanks to Israelity who got it from Jewschool.

Blogging (finally) on the War

Hakol b’moado – everything in its time.

I’m finally feeling ready to blog a bit on this current war. I am saddned in so many ways – that Hizbollah/Iran decided to attack Israel, killing & capturing soldiers and instigating a war – that so many people are being hurt on both sides and that the effects continue to ripple outward. People are spending time in bunkers, away from their schools, jobs and projects, friends and (for many) the little things that make life enjoyable.

I’ve been reading, following and learning about this war mostly on the internet and largely through blogs. Blogs seem to be a factor for many following this war – their authors are on CNN, MSNBC, Fox and the BBC (just to name some). Haaretz has an entire article on blogging the war.

Thanks to Israellycool, An Unsealed Room, On the Face, and a new blog, Live from an Israeli Bunker.

Many have been talking about the Lebanese bloggers. I look forward to reading some of their blogs. I’m open and looking for suggestions.

Well, time to get back to work.

More Heartbreak, Pain and Worry in Israel Today

Oy.  More soldiers killed and captured. More families in pain, worry and heartache.  My prayers go to the Holy One for the soldiers killed & captured, their families and for the soldiers who are looking for them.

One excellent way to stay connected to what is happening is to read Aussie Dave’s blog, Israellycool, updated every few minutes and with many important links. Read today’s post or the entire blog.

Sent with prayers, hope and care/concern for the family of Israel.