What are Muslim bloggers saying about today’s terror attack? Islamicate shares her thoughts and collects what others on the web are saying.
En’sha’allah, b’ezrat hashem (God willing), hate will soon cease.
What are Muslim bloggers saying about today’s terror attack? Islamicate shares her thoughts and collects what others on the web are saying.
En’sha’allah, b’ezrat hashem (God willing), hate will soon cease.
Another day of terror, pain, war and bloodshed. Sad. So sad.
My heart, thoughts and prayers are with all effected.
Want to hear a thorough yet brief description of what and who Israel is today? Liron hs a brief yet thorough and clear description of Israel, especially for those who get most of their information on Israel from American mainstream media like CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC and the like. Listen to her June 25, 2005 podcast. Her description of Israel is in the first few minutes, just after she introduces herself.
Want to hear her podcasts? You can subscribe to her in iTunes or go directly to her podcasting web page.
Go, listen, learn and comment here.
I’ve been listening to podcasts while out on walks and traveling the daily commute. I have listened to some ones with Israeli or Jewish content, and I thought it would be interesting to see how many Jewish or Israeli podcasts I could find. Below are some. If you know of more, please email me or leave a comment. Thanks.
(By the way, I have not listened to all of these, so feel free to leave feedback.)
The links below are to the webpages, not to the iTunes podcast page, although you should be able to find some of them there (if not there yet, email the podcast creators and they apply to be added to the iTunes page).
Jewish Podcasts:
Jewish Identity in Writing
Nextbook, a page with podcasts and articles on Jewish literature and culture.
UnionAvenue, a podcast with short quotations from Jews thorughout time and various professions.
Israeli Podcasts:
Israelisms (from Jerusalem)
The View from Here (from Modi’in)
Through Father Jake Stops the World, I found Make Poverty History, an effort to end world poverty. Live 8 is of course another effort to end poverty, especially in Africa.
Thanks to Sister Scorpion, I have updated some links. She has posted an update of her own links, and I have borrowed and added. So, take a look at the links on the right, especially in the Muslim blogs section.
This week’s parashah, Korah, tells the story of rebellion against leadership. Korach leads a group to foment rebellion against Moses and Aaron. Their rebellion does not go well, to put it mildly.
What do we learn from this rebellion?
Rabbi Offel reflects on the “Balancing the Individual and the Communal”
Rav Kook writes on the role of Priestly Leadership in ancient and modern days in his drash Korach: Who Needs the Priesthood?
Go and Learn!!
Shavuah tov. I just returned home from a wedding and teaching – a day full of joy, love and the promise of goodness in what is often a challenging world. The chatan and kallah (groom and bride) beamed, soaked up the love and joy surrounding them and had a great time. The party is problably still going on at the house. (This chatan and kallah decided that after the formal reception, they would invite people back to her (now their) home and enjoy their out-of-town and in-town friends and family. A wonderful, beautiful, joyous day.
Then, I come home, turn on the computer and look at the New York Times for the first time all day. It is my custom to look at the obituaries and thus I learned of the death of a great scholar and teacher, Rabbi Dr. Nahum Sarna. He was a great man, a learned scholar and one whose mind, writings and teachings opened up worlds for many. Amongst his accomplishments is the Jewish Publication Society translation of the Tanach. What a loss for the world. The New York Times obituary includes the following:
Dr. Sarna’s writings, commentaries and translations sought to bring the meaning of ancient texts closer to today’s lay reader. Some of his most important contributions were made through the Jewish Publication Society, based in Philadelphia, for which he was principal translator and editor of “Torah (New Translation).” First published in 1985, it remains in print.
Some of his other books published by the society were “Genesis: The Traditional Hebrew Text with New JPS Translation” (1989); “JPS: The Americanization of Jewish Culture 1888-1988″ (1989); “Exodus: The Traditional Hebrew Text With the New JPS Translation” (1991); and “Studies in Biblical Interpretation” (2000).
Dr. Sarna’s work reflected a 19th-century movement devoted to the scientific study of Jewish civilization and a more accessible, modern approach to the Hebrew Bible. His commentaries sought to shed light on the narrative, give meaning to archeological finds, add historical and cultural background and present the Bible’s teachings in a spiritual and moral context.
Read the entire obituary here.
May his soul be with the Holy One of Blessing.
May G-d comfort his family among all who mourn.
Today has been another difficult day in Israel. This afternoon a truck errantly crossed a track in the path of the Haifa-Be’er Sheva train. Apparently, the truck driver did not follow any of the posted instructions to stop and ignored the train’s whistle. The impact careened cars off the track and according to some reports, crushed the first few cars. As of this posting, seven are dead and over 245 injured.
There are various stories in English and Hebrew available on the web. You can find the Ha’aretz English language story here and a Hebrew language Ha’aretz story here.
Recently officials in Israel have issued more frequent cautions and warnings to Israeli motorists of their dangerous driving habits. For example, there was a nation-wide warning issued following some deadly accidents during Passover.
I send my prayers of comfort to those who have lost loved ones and my prayers of healing to all who have been injured. May the Holy One be with each of them and their families.
After the modern State of Israel was founded in 1948, Jews across much of the Arab world were persecuted. The Jews of Yemen suffered attacks, discrimination and threats to their lives. An effort was organized, called Operation Magic Carpet to rescue the Jewish community of Yemen and bring them to safety in Israel. Many people participated in this rescue. (Incidentally, there are some wonderful stories and memories from the Yemenite community themselves about Operation Magic Carpet. I’ll look for some links and post, otherwise, check your library.) One of significant figures in this endeavor was Robert F. Maguire, Jr., the chief pilot. Mr. Maguire recently died and his part in Operation Magic Carpet is remembered in a New York Times Obituary. Some excerpts from the obituary include:
“Robert F. Maguire Jr., the chief pilot of Operation Magic Carpet, which evacuated more than 40,000 Jewish refugees from Yemen to the newly created state of Israel between late 1948 and early 1950, died on June 10 at his home in Northridge, Calif. He was 94….Requiring a little more than a year and 380 flights, Operation Magic Carpet evacuated 40,000 to 50,000 Yemenite Jews without loss of life. David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, was reported to have called Mr. Maguire “the Irish Moses.” The writer Leon Uris based a character in his 1958 novel, “Exodus,” on him….In Operation Magic Carpet, Mr. Maguire relied as much on his wits as on his aviation skills. He once ran out of fuel and was forced to land in Egypt. When airport officials rushed up to the plane, Mr. Maguire ordered them to send ambulances immediately.
“What for?” they asked him.
“I have smallpox on board,” Mr. Maguire replied.
He got his fuel, and flew on to Tel Aviv.”
You can also read an obituary of him in The Jerusalem Post.
Want to learn more about Operation Magic Carpet?
Take a look at these links:
Jewish Virtual Library information on & picture of Operation Magic Carpet.
Alaskan Airlines on the golden anniversary of Operation Magic Carpet. This profiles some other people involved in the rescue, you can read their words about Mr. Maguire at the bottom.
WZO background and program ideas for Operation Magic Carpet.
A description of Operation Magic Carpet including history on Jews in Yemen.
Photo exhibit on Operation Magic Carpet.
Words of another American pilot, Hank Mullineaux, on Operation Magic Carpet.
Israeli stamp remembering Operation Magic Carpet.
A filmography on Operation Magic Carpet.
Go and Learn!