Shavuah Tov & some humor

Shavuah tov. I hope this is the beginning of a good week for you and yours. I like to start my week with a bit of good humor when I come across it. This week’s humor is courtesy of Baraita who links to what to do when encountering a stop sign, a funny and close-to-real look at denominationalism and halacha in terms of a stop sign. Go, look, read and laugh at yourself and other Jews.

Wishing you a good start to the week.

Bush's money from Auschwitz slave laborers & Nazi victims

President Bush’s family money is connected to the WWII actions of his grandfather, Prescott Bush, who (against the orders of the US Govt) invested in factories in the Auschwitz Death Camp where Jews and others were forced to work themselves to death or near death – without wages, without food (except for one tiny cup of dirty water with some potato peals per day) and in deplorable conditions. This is our president, folks. It’s time to wake up.

You can read more about this in Clamor Magazine which discusses this horror as found in “The Secret War Against the Jews,” a book I am currently reading.

[Hat tip to Michelle at Vacuity]

This is disgusting!

Remember when people were caught claiming a loss on 9-11 but were found to be frauds? Well, now it is happening in Israel. People are pretending to have been injured in a terrorist bombing and then begging/asking for money to help them. I learned about this on the Ma’ariv International website (English). I am disgusted. Isn’t there enough tragedy and suffering in the world without making it up?