Today in Religious School

Mem – kaf – bet – yod – – the first letters of the first four words of the prayer mi chamocha. Today our religious school principal helped our students made the connection between the letters and the Macabee family so integral to the Hanukkah story. Miracles in the past – the splitting of the sea, the choice of Jews to stand up for Judaism and the joys that Judaism adds to our lives, the survival of our people despite an Amalek in every generation, and the smaller miracles of the Jewish growth of young people (despite their desire to absent themsevles from religious school emotionally if not physically).

During these darkest days of the year (in the Northern hemisphere) I pray that we find light, hope and the daily miracles around us.

More on the Horrors in Mumbai

Shabbat’s usual rest and joy was, of course, overshadowed by the tragedy of the horrific terrorism in Mumbai.  As of the writing of this email, at least 195 are dead and hundreds injured.  The mourners are only just beginning to be able to be aware that their loved one is (or horribly in some cases loved ones are) dead.

Latest News Includes:

NYTimes – India Faces Reckoning as Terror Toll Eclipses 170

Ha’aretz – 9 Dead in Mumbai Chabad House Attack

Poingnat & Heartbreaking

BBC Video of Rabbi Holtzberg z”l and his son Moshe two months before the attack.

The death, destruction and human devastation of these attacks weighs heavily on my heart and spirit as we begin this new week.

Post from Baka Diary

With thoughts and prayers for all those affected by the Mumbai attacks.


Ynet story on the Chabad attack with pictures (some a bit graphic).

Terrorism Tragedy in Mumbai

The news out of Mumbai, India, continues to be devastating.  Sustained two days of terror attacks on the diverse people living in & visiting Mumbai.  All accounts suggest that this terrorist attack has been long-planned and researched, resulting in the terrorists seeming to have the upper hand.  My thoughts and prayers all with all people impacted by this terror attack.

A few news reports on the attack:

BBC Main Site on the Attacks in Mumbai (sub-sites from many perspectives as well)

Ha’artez – India Declines Assistance from Israel

Ha’aretz – 5 Hostages & 2 Terrorists Dead in Chabad Jewish Center

Ha’aretz – Mumbai Attacks Send Shock Waves through Chabad Community

Ha’aretz – Analysis – Israel Cannot Defend Itself Against Such Attacks

Chabad main website, Chabad blog on the Mumbai tragedy

The Israel Situation blog on the attacks

Jerusalem Post – 4 Israelis Rescued from the Oberoi Hotel

May Shabbat bring an end to the attack and may all those searching for loved ones hear good news soon.


Jerusalem Post – Background: Islamic Terrorism Helped Bring Together Israel and India

CNN site on the attacks

I’ve just heard on CNN that no one (except the youngest child of the Rabbi and his wife who escaped with his nanny earlier in the crisis) survived in the Chabad center.  Baruch dayan ha-emet.  May G-d care for their souls and be with their families.

New York Times (frequently updated) blog

Muslims Against Sharia Blog on the Mumbai Attacks

Remembering Rabin z"l

It is hard for me to believe that it has been 13 years since Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was brutally assassinated.  The irony of the context of the murder hits me every time I go to Kikar Rabin in Tel Aviv. [He was killed at the end of an enormous peace rally, during which Rabin z”l sang “Shir L’shalom” a peace song from the 70s.]  News of the assassination shocked me as I tried to balance my own coping and serving my community.

Last week Rabin’s assasin (I am consciously choosing not to say his name) was back in the news when he managed to boost his ego by getting news interviews recorded against the rules of the prison.  Shameful. It shows me that he didn’t do this for the people or for the rabbis who told him to, but for his own ego.  Disgusting.

Tonight I join many in remembering Rabin the warrior, the leader, the hero, the peacemaker. May his courage, hope and strength be an example to all.

Voting is a Modern Mitzvah so Go Vote Today!

Voting is a privilege and a modern day mitzvah (commandment). I believe that it is incumbent on all Jews to vote in every country a or jurisdiction where we are permitted to vote.  How can we consider this a mitzvah? The Talmud teaches us din d’malchuta dina – the law of the land is the law. We must follow the laws of the country in which we live. While there isn’t a law which states that we must vote, the right is available to nearly all adults over the age of 18 regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, socio-economic status, physical ability…. If we do not elect to vote, then we are not acting on the rights available to us under the law. Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Ancestors) teaches us lo alecha hamlacha ligmor, v’lo ata ben khoirn l’hibateil me’mena – you are not required to complete the work but neither may you desist from it. We must participate in the society and world around us, including voting.

Rabbi Deena Fox explicates the text in Talmud Arachin 17a on leadership, a discussion of whether leaders determine the characterisation of the generation or if the generation determins the leaders. Today in the United States citizens have the opportunity to help shape the character of this generation. Shape the next steps of our country – go vote!

Another Vehicle Terror Attack in Jerusalem

It has happened again, a terrorist using a vehicle as a weapon of terror.  As I type this the news is just breaking.  Keep watching for updates.  The attack was at Tzahal Square (very close to Jaffa Gate of the Old City), the means was driving the car into a crowd of people.  Reports list between 10 and 15 injured. Fortunately no one listed as killed (I hope that doesn’t change).

I pray for a day when people love themselves and their children more than they hate others (to paraphrase Golda Meir).

News sites on the attack: Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, Y-Net (Hebrew).

Ha’aretz is also reporting about an IDF soldier who was blinded by a Palestinian (UPDATE: woman) throwing acid in the soldier’s eyes.

Praying for a peaceful tomorrow.

Update – Look at pictures from both of today’s attacks posted by J. Richman