Tag Archives: mourning

Ending 11 Months of Kaddish

Tomorrow, the 26th of Tevet 5771, marks the end of the first 11 months since my Grandmother’s (z”l) death.  Jewish tradition does not require grandchildren to recite kaddish.  (You may find a brief article on Jewish mourning laws by Rabbi and Professor Ruth Langer.)   I chose to say kaddish for her and observe this tradition because of the nature of our relationship.  Prayer, ritual and study have brought (and continue to bring) me comfort and inspiration.  Tomorrow morning I will join with others and daven the shacharit (morning) service.  I will rise for the recitation of kaddish for the last time until her yahrzeit in another month and I will share a short drash with the community (and then post it here on the blog.)  May her memory be a blessing to all of us who knew her and loved her.